ROX passive reference dye
ROX passive reference dye is used to normalize for non-PCR related
fluorescence signal variation. Passive reference dye does not take
part in the PCR reaction and its fluorescence remains constant during
the PCR reaction. The ROX dye is provided as a 50x solution dissolved
in a buffer that is compatible with the qPCR reaction buffer. Add the
ROX passive reference dye to the qPCR master mix, 1 µl for each 50 µl
reaction. At the 1x working concentration the ROX dye can be used to
normalize data with ABI PRISM® real-time PCR instruments e.g. 7700 and
7900 SDS models. The amount of the ROX passive reference dye can be
adjusted if different fluorescence level is needed with other
The DyNAmo HS SYBR Green qPCR kit is shipped in gel ice. Upon
arrival store all kit components at -20 ºC. The DyNAmo HS SYBR Green
Kit is stable for six months from the date of packaging when stored
and handled properly.
After use, the leftover thawed 2x master mix can be refrozen and
stored at -20 °C.