Automation Products
MJ's latest offerings to the automation market comprise an
integrated package that solves many of the challenges of automated
thermal cycling, such as reliable plate handling and sealing – and
does so affordably. This suite of automation products includes a small
footprint cycler, a newly designed robotic lid, automation-friendly
plates and an improved sealing pad.
Dyad Disciple™ Thermal Cycler
Disciple™ cycler is the smallest footprint two-bay thermal
cycler available, providing more configurable options than ever
before. The Disciple instrument is operated remotely via USB or
serial communications to a computer using a remote command set.
The Dyad Disciple thermal cycler contains the latest in power
electronics technology for maximum robustness. |
The Moto Alpha™ Unit
The Moto Alpha unit integrates a motorized lid with an
Alpha™ sample block and sets a new standard in robustness for
automated applications. The sealing force is set with the
software, and is actively monitored to give accurate, repeatable
results. To prevent the plate from sticking to the lid, the Moto
Alpha unit is equipped with special pins that separate the plate
from the lid. Additionally, a plate lifting system raises the
plate 5mm when the lid is opened, reliably presenting the plate to
robotic arms for easy removal. Moto Alpha units are available in
96-well, 384-well, and flat block formats. |
384- and 96-well Hard-Shell® Plates
Hard-Shell microplates solve many problems typically
experienced with thermal cycler automation. Hard-Shell 384 and
96-well microplates (patent 6,304,589) include a
skirt and deck molded from a rigid, thermostable polymer, which
prevents distortion and shrinkage during high temperature thermal
cycling or heat sealing. In a separate step, thin-wall wells are
molded of virgin polypropylene, selected for low DNA binding.
The footprint and well spacing fit SBS microplate standards, and
raised rims around each well allow tight sealing with a variety of
systems including pressure-based, adhesive, and heat-sealing
methods. Flat plates mean accurate, low-volume automated
pipetting is possible with no need for special adaptors.
Stackers and robotic arms can grip and move Hard-Shell plates
securely and reliably. |
Microseal® 'P+' Sealing Pads
Designed for use with the Moto Alpha unit, these new pads may be
used in applications such as cycle sequencing, in which several
successive runs may be sealed with the same pad. The Moto Alpha
unit is engineered to prevent a microplate from sticking to the
block and lid, and
Microseal 'P+' pads provide an improved level of sealing
performance, which means you can use as little as 50% of your
current reagent volume. Microseal 'P+' pads are intended for use
with the higher sealing pressures afforded by the Moto Alpha lid.
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